Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Don't be Late

Laci was sent to live with her Aunt Veronica after the methods of limit setting used by her parents proved fruitless. While being a very loving person, Aunt Veronica believed in the old "Spare the rod" adage. She made the rules of the house clear to her niece. Following her curfew being high on the list. One evening, Laci supposedly went to study Russian History with a few friends. When she arrived home at three AM, dressed like the party girl of the year it was clear that Laci wouldn't know Ivan The Terrible from Vladimir Putin. Laci was shocked when she found herself being spanked by her Aunt. Her punishment started over the seat of her dress and then her panties. As her panties were lowered Laci pleaded for this not to happen. The embarrassment of a girl her age having her bottom exposed for a spanking was too much for her. Soon, the humiliation of her predicament was a secondary concern as she now begged for the discipline to stop as it hurt too much from Punished Brats.

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