A few days ago I told Rani and Cory to come over so I could discipline them. Rani had not paid her taxes on time and Cory's flat was a total mess again Rani arrived and my wife called if I could pick her up from the station so I told Rani to let Cory in, give her something to drink, and I would be back in 30 min or so. Little did I know that Rani had other plans for Cory. She told her that I told Rani to give Cory a warm up spanking. Cory thought she had no choice but agree and Rani took Cory over her knee. As if I wouldn't notice!. I returned, took the girls upstairs, and when I was about to spank Cory, I saw her red bottom. I then gave Cory my leather paddle and she paddled Rani which was very humiliating for her. Just what she deserved from
Real Life Spankings!