John never liked having his girls round his place during schooltime, his apartment was too small and he was always busy. He didn't need school hassling him with a long list of their continual poor behaviour and rule infractions so when they brazenly walked past him, giggling & texting whilst already being late for school, he felt he had no further option. John stopped the girls and closed the curtains, creating real privacy to spank some sense into this terrible twosome! They protested but it was far too late for crocodile tears as each girl was spanked in front of the other, first with their panties showing, then a harder more intense spanking on both their bare bottoms. In a final act of planned enbarrassment for the girls, John placed them in front of the open window, bottoms showing for all the world to see just what naughty young madams they had been! This is the last ever film featuring Leia Ann Woods & Irelynn Logeen together from
Triple A Spanking!