Stephen is livid at having to leave a business meeting to fetch MacKenzie home from her school trip. The cause? Having been bullied incessantly for some time, MacKenzie finally snapped and pushed one of the bullies. Unfortunately down some stairs and all the way to hospital! Learning the details, Stephen's anger cools somewhat but nevertheless, violence is never the answer and to reinforce the point, MacKenzie will get a spanking and a rate visit to her bottom by the family strap before they depart on the long journey home. MacKenzie will not be sitting comfortably in the car for four hours from Northern Spanking!
Alex and Harley are having a sleepover and decide to sneak out after mom has gone to bed. When they come back all happy and laughing about what a good time they had, they don't expect to run into an angry mom holding a hairbrush and waiting. After having them sit down for a good scolding, she takes her daughter, Alex, over her lap for a spanking. What's worse is that she is being spanked in front of her friend Harley which humiliates her even more. Mommy spanks Alex with her hand and hairbrush until Alex is promising to follow the rules and not to sneak out again. Next it is Harley's turn over the lap. Harley protests at first but soon realizes that her pleas will not get her out of the so deserved spanking from Alex's mom. After they are both soundly spanked they are sent to Alex's room to wait for Harley's mom to come and get her. We flash forward to a few days later for part two. Alex wasn't completely honest when they had been caught sneaking back home after a night out on the town. It isn't until two days later that mom gets a call from the police to notify her that they had spoken with these two girls about trespassing and sent them home. Although they didn't get arrested, they still broke the law and were given a warning. Now since Alex wasn't so forthcoming in the beginning it is another spanking! But this time she will be spanked with the wooden hairbrush as well. Mom doesn't stop until Alex is crying and a very sorry and sad little girl from Momma Spankings!
Upping the intensity of The Challenge, Alison Miller takes on the dreaded Jokari paddle - an implement she’s never felt before! Daringly, she peels off her skin-tight yoga pants and even her thong so John Friday can deliver a scorching, cheek clenching spanking with the paddle on her bare bottom. “It’s the devil, it really is!” she complains from Firm Hand Spanking!
Lily has had an awful day. Earlier at school she got a hard spanking and caning. Then she had to go to cheer practice with her short skirt revealing the shame of a glowing, sore red bottom. At home, her father had already been informed of her punishment and Lily knows that whatever she receives at school she gets at home too. So, still in her cheerleader uniform, she sees Daddy come into her room and he has a look of thunder, carrying a cane in his hand. Lily's day is about to get a whole lot worse as she is reminded that what happens at school, happens at home. Placed over his lap, her toned legs kick as she struggles over his knee getting a hard spanking. He leg locks her and pulls down her tight cheer panties to smack her mercilessly on her sore bare bottom since she still can not behave properly. Next she is given one of the hardest canings, far harder than at school for still showing Daddy defiance. This is a deep impactful caning that Lily knows will make it difficult for her to sleep restfully later. She will remember this double discipline day for some time to come from Cheerleader Spankings
Alison Miller suggested a Challenge series and we knew she’d deliver! In the second of her all-new series, Alison challenges John Friday to give her bare bottom 60 swats with a leather paddle. Then she increases the challenge by going from 60 to a full 100 stinging, cheek-bouncing swats! Seen from two angles, this is intense spanking action from Firm Hand Spanking!
Meet real-life athlete Lyra Bryant as she makes her spanking debut at Firm Hand with John Friday taking her to a new level of ‘training’ - reddening her buttocks with a series of spankings that test her resolve and set her cheeks jiggling. Commitment to her sports sponsors earns Lyra her first of many spankings In the all-new Fitness Fanatic from Firm Hand Spanking!
This is an intense "Mommy/Daughter" hard hand and hairbrush spanking with a finale only foul mouthed young ladies deserve. Ten Amorette is on the receiving end of a long, tearful and brutal mouthsoaping that she will not forget in a hurry. Mom (played by Miss Anna) takes her daughter over her lap for an overdue spanking with the continual disrespect and poor attitude capped by that filthy mouth of hers. When Ten swears and cusses further, Mommy takes her to the bathroom for another spanking whilst reminding her to take a look in the mirror at herself during the punishment. Ten shows no remorse and swears some more forcing Mommy to take the bar of soap, froth it up and make her daughter taste that awful sudsy, cleansing soap bar deep inside her mouth whilst being scolded from Triple A Spanking!